Mentee Survey Center

You must first create an account as a couple before you attempt to login individually.
You must create ONE account AS A COUPLE at the same time, using the same electronic device.
When creating an account, it is required to include the email of one of your mentors.
After creating an account as a couple, you can then login anytime individually using your own Username and Password to take your survey.
If you don't complete the survey, the answers will auto save and you will be able to resume at a later time.
After you have completed the survey, the results will automatically be sent to your mentors.
You will not be able to create an account until your mentors have created their account first.
When following the instructions in this video open another tab on your web browser so you can follow along.
Create an account as a couple.
Login individually to access your portion of the survey.
Your results will automatically be sent to your mentor's account.